L'Organisation Européenne des Radioamateurs annonce son premier "QSO Party" avec la devise: "faites vous de nouveaux amis avec la phonie classique". Ceci n'est pas un concours, c'est uniquement une rencontre sur l'air de radioamateurs avec quelques 'règles' simples, qu'il vaut mieux appeler des recommandations.
FeRaCat a été fondée en 2013, juste avant l'approbation des premiers statuts de l'EURAO, obtenant ainsi le statut de membre fondateur.
Visitez-nous sur: https://www.feracat.org/
On August 2, 3 and 4, 2013, the following Special Event Stations will be on air: AM1CB, AM2CB, AM3CB, AM4CB, AM5CB, AM6CB, AM7CB, AM8CB and AM9CB.
It will coincide with the 30th anniversary of the first Citizen Band regulations in Spain.
A special QSL card and Award will be available.
The activity is sponsored by: Liga Española de Asociaciones C.B. y Radioaficionados, Federació Catalana de C.B. 27 MHz and Federación Digital EA.
DF7TT, Jürgen, won a free individual membership for a year in the tombola we carried out at HAM RADIO 2013.
The innocent hand was from Gabriele, an Italian boy who was playing with a paper airplane there.
Other participants don't be sad, you can also become individual members for just 10 €.
And, if you are the first in your country, the second year will be for free. 2x1 technique.
Besides greeting members, friends and supporters, this year EURAO held its General Assembly and biannual Meeting during the fair.
The first Statutes were approved and the Board of Directors elected again: President ON7GZ, Vicepresident DG9KBE, Secretary-General EA3CIW and Treasurer EA3CWZ.
It has been time for listening questions, comments and suggestions. New ideas and future projects often start in this way. Also international public relations are cultivated out of the fair, sharing concepts and wishes.