Welcome to EURAO website

Meeting point of radio amateurs' associations from around the world where introduce and share their activities and experiences. Google+

20th anniversay of EURAO (2005-2025): a reliable stakeholder

20 years In a very short period of time, EURAO has managed to gather around itself many radio amateurs from all over the world in an exciting collective project that has received recognition from many international bodies.

Association, clubs, groups and individuals are part of this young, global and open ecosystem called European Radio Amateurs' Organization. Thanks to all for your support.

Happy birthday EURAO!!!

EURAO Party - Winter 2025: WRD for Radio and Climate Change

The European Radio Amateurs' Organization announces a new party on the air, this time with the motto: "World Radio Day for Radio and Climate Change". Remember this is not a contest, it is just a radio meeting with a few simple 'rules', better to call them recommendations.

EURAO Newsletter December 2024

In this issue you will find:

  • Freedom of association: a right in danger in amateur radio
  • Spain again authorizes foreign novice licensees transmissions

EURAO Party - Winter 2025: Season's Greetings

The European Radio Amateurs' Organization announces a new party on the air, this time with the motto: "Season's Greetings". Remember this is not a contest, it is just a radio meeting with a few simple 'rules', better to call them recommendations.

Freedom of association: a right in danger in amateur radio

Freedom of association Some IARU R1 member societies have threatened their members with expulsion if they join EURAO, clearly violating freedom of association, a fundamental right enshrined in article 12 of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights.

The "argument" put forward by these societies is that EURAO is a competitor, overlooking the fact that IARU and EURAO are also collaborators in areas of common interest, such as CEPT. And if they don't remember that, they should see the joint statement resulting from the 2017 meeting between both organizations.

EURAO Newsletter September 2024

In this issue you will find:

  • Thank you for visiting us at HAM RADIO 2024 Friedrichshafen!
  • EURAO General Assembly 2024: great participation and great results

EURAO at Atlantykron 2024

Atlantykron is a youth educational summer camp, known as a fun, exciting and unique learning experience with a curricula developed around science, art, sport and culture, taking place in a privileged environment: on a wild island on the Danube river near the village and ancient Roman ruins of Capidava in Romania.

Amateur radio also plays a prominent role in this Academy. This is what the following article is about, written by Petrică Stolnicu, YO9RIJ, EURAO's President.

EURAO General Assembly 2024: great participation and great results

The General Assembly 2024 of EURAO was held the first Thursday of July via internet, after a previous informal contact in Friedrichshafen the weekend before.

The minutes of this meeting are now available to all member associations in the archive section of our website.

M17, an open source amateur radio project sponsored now by EURAO

M17 team At the proposal of its Board, the EURAO Assembly decided to support the M17 project with a modest donation.

In the picture the M17 team at Friedrichshafen, from left to right: SP5WWP, Olha, ON4MOD, IU2KWO and KC1AWV.

This project, based on open-source Codec 2, aims to define a new digital voice (DV) mode for VHF and higher bands.

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