EURAO Newsletter Junio 2022

En este número encontrarás:

  • EURAO en los grupos de Facebook en varios idiomas: en, es, it, pt
  • EURAO por Ucrania
  • Asamblea General de EURAO 2022: el 2 de julio, otra vez virtual

EURAO Party - Verano 2022: ad libitum

La Organización Europea de Radioaficionados anuncia una nueva fiesta en el aire, esta vez con el lema: "ad libitum". Recuerda que esto no es un concurso, es sólo un encuentro por radio con unas pocas 'reglas' muy simples, casi mejor llamarlas recomendaciones.

EURAO en los grupos de Facebook en varios idiomas: en, es, it, pt

EURAO groups on Facebook En inglés, español, italiano y portugués encontrarás en Facebook grupos de EURAO donde compartir actividades, experiencias técnicas, dudas y comentarios sobre radioafición.

Sólo haz clic en tu idioma preferido arriba para acceder al grupo de tu elección.

EURAO General Assembly 2022: on July 2, virtual again

The scheduled date for this year's EURAO General Assembly is: Saturday, July 2, 2022, at 17:00 CEST (15:00 UTC).

All members are invited to participate. Remember that only associations have the right to vote according to the Statutes.

As in the last editions, it will be held virtually using the Google Meet platform. If you are interested in participating, ask for the link.

773 Radio Group

773RG 773RG, IQ0XV, founded in 2016, is an Italian association of radio amateurs, born out for fun, friendship, the desire to learn, to experiment, to joke, to build... It has two associative branches: one for HF and another for repeaters, digital systems, networking, APRS, etc. It manages also a permanent award for II0MPO.

EURAO for Ukraine

Ukraine Volunteer members of the European Radio Amateurs' Organization are helping Ukrainian residents from their respective countries, starting with the transfer from the Romanian border and continuing through the passage or reception in other European countries such as Italy or Spain.

EURAO Newsletter Febrero 2022

En este número encontrarás:

  • Socios individuales de EURAO por país en 2021
  • AO#WRD: Día Mundial de la Radio 2022
  • AO3MWC: Mobile World Congress 2022

EURAO Party - Winter 2022: World Radio Day

The European Radio Amateurs' Organization announces a new party on the air, this time with the motto: "World Radio Day". Remember this is not a contest, it is just a radio meeting with a few simple 'rules', better to call them recommendations.

EURAO individual members by country in 2021

EURAO individual members by country 2021 Once the 2021 financial year has been closed and the draft financial report prepared, today we want to highlight an interesting aspect of that report: from which countries do the individual members of EURAO come?

Germany leads the ranking with 18,2%, followed by Spain with 15,1% and the United Kingdom with 13,8%. At a certain distance they are followed by Portugal (8,2%), Belgium (7,5%), Italy (7,5%), Netherlands (6,3%) and France (5,7%). Finally we can find Greece (3,8%), USA (2,5%), Ireland (1,9%) and Romania (1,3%). Within the remaining 8,2% we can find radio amateurs from countries as far away as Australia or from nearby, European ones, such as Austria, Bulgaria, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Lithuania, Slovakia, etc.

EURAO Newsletter Diciembre 2021

En este número encontrarás:

  • CISAR: Feliz 40 aniversario!!!
  • EANET Sprint Contest 2021: resultado final
  • Asamblea FEDI-EA 2021: on-line y en abierto
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