EURAO Newsletter Setembre 2013

En aquest número trobaràs:

  • EURAO a HAM RADIO 2013: molts visitants i feina feta
  • Enquesta EURAO 2013: Tenim un somni...
  • EANET Sprint Contest 2013

Enquesta EURAO 2013: Tenim un somni...

EURAO Membership kinds Aquest estiu, la Organització Europea de Radioaficionats va demanar als seus socis i simpatitzants d'imaginar el futur y compartir-el amb ella.

El futur de la Organització però també el futur de la Radioafició.

L'eina utilitzada fou una enquesta i els resultats són els següents.

EURAO Award: rewarding Hams and SWLs around the world

How many countries have you already contacted or listened? How many of them in Europe? To get this Award is as easy as answering these two questions.

For the basic version of EURAO Award only 10 countries are required, 7 of them European ones. For the bronze, silver or gold version; you will need 25, 50 or 75 countries.

QSL cards received via EuroBureauQSL will be considered automatically sufficient evidence of confirmation, otherwise, you should use one of our check points. Also eQSL is accepted.

Federació de Radioaficionats de Catalunya, EA3RKC

FeRaCat FeRaCat es va fundar l'any 2013, just abans de l'aprovació dels primers Estatuts d'EURAO, aconseguint d'aquesta manera la condició de membre fundador.

Visita'ns a:

AMxCB: 30 years of CB in Spain

On August 2, 3 and 4, 2013, the following Special Event Stations will be on air: AM1CB, AM2CB, AM3CB, AM4CB, AM5CB, AM6CB, AM7CB, AM8CB and AM9CB.

It will coincide with the 30th anniversary of the first Citizen Band regulations in Spain.

A special QSL card and Award will be available.

The activity is sponsored by: Liga Española de Asociaciones C.B. y Radioaficionados, Federació Catalana de C.B. 27 MHz and Federación Digital EA.

Board 2013-2015

In the last General Assembly (2013-06-29) a Board of Directors was elected for a new period of two years: President ON7GZ, Vicepresident DG9KBE, Secretary-General EA3CIW and Treasurer EA3CWZ.

Good luck in your job, guys.

And the winner was...

DF7TT, Jürgen, won a free individual membership for a year in the tombola we carried out at HAM RADIO 2013.

The innocent hand was from Gabriele, an Italian boy who was playing with a paper airplane there.

Other participants don't be sad, you can also become individual members for just 10 €.

And, if you are the first in your country, the second year will be for free. 2x1 technique.

EURAO at HAM RADIO 2013: lots of visitors and work done

Besides greeting members, friends and supporters, this year EURAO held its General Assembly and biannual Meeting during the fair.

The first Statutes were approved and the Board of Directors elected again: President ON7GZ, Vicepresident DG9KBE, Secretary-General EA3CIW and Treasurer EA3CWZ.

It has been time for listening questions, comments and suggestions. New ideas and future projects often start in this way. Also international public relations are cultivated out of the fair, sharing concepts and wishes.

EURAO Newsletter Juny 2013

En aquest número trobaràs:

  • 'EURAO land' a HAM RADIO 2013: vine a visitar-nos !!!
  • CQ ENCE 2013: exercici d'emergència d'abast internacional
  • EUDOTA 2013: Dia d'Europa, 9 de maig

'EURAO land' at HAM RADIO 2013: come to visit us !!!

There will be three contiguous booths, EURAO itself and its members AFCD and CISAR, delighted to welcome you at Friedrichshafen, 28-30 June, hall/stand no.: A1-563.

Also other member associations will be represented inside the first one: FEDI-EA and VRA.

Time to talk with members and friends about amateur radio and the future of the Organization, imagining new global projects, listening proposals, attending all visitors, etc.

You know we haven't all answers, but for sure we'll listen all your questions and try to do our best to serve members.

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