After the great welcome of the previous editions, it comes again the "sprint contest" version of the EANET Award, devoted to the "Radio Clubs of the World". It will be on November 9, 08:00-12:00 UTC.
In just four hours you can win original and funny prizes that you can share with your mate or friends: hotels, restaurants, wellness or adventures.
Moreover, you will have the opportunity to contact those radio clubs you still needed to complete the EANET Award.
"Associations in Europe - EURAO, an experience" was the title of the talk given by Jose Machado, CT1BAT, president of Tertúlia Radioamadorística Guglielmo Marconi, CS5TRGM, in the event organized by the Associação de Radioamadores do Ribatejo, CT1ARR, which took place last September in Almeirim.
Attendees discussed about this topic and how necessary it is associations work together for a better ham radio. In this article you can find the slide presentation in Portuguese and some pictures of the meeting.
The first European Emergency Communications Exercise held on September 27, was attended by hams from: Croatia, France, Germany, Italy, Macedonia, Portugal, Romania, Spain, UK, ... Pretty good for the first time.
Some of them participated only as listeners (SWL), others giving reports and a few sending and receiving messages.
On September 27, 2014, 9:00-11:00 CEST (07:00-09:00 UTC), the first exercise of this kind at European level will be held.
This was one of the projects discussed by EURAO members at Friedrichshafen, and it will be carried out with the support of associations in several countries.
Some of the EECE challenges are: to establish a human communications network of two levels: one national and another one international, to define operating procedures, to test its reliability, the operators skills and deployment time.
Organizaţia Europeană a Radioamatorilor anunţă un nou "QSO party", de această dată cu motto-ul: "Dă o şansă tineretului". Nu uitaţi că acesta nu este un concurs, ci doar o întâlnire a radioamatorilor ce are câteva 'reguli' simple, pe care le-am putea numi mai degrabă recomandări.
J'ai l'honneur au nom de ON3NMR et de l'UFRC, d'inviter tous les copains, bricoleurs, éternels apprentis, inventeurs du houla-houp, du yo-yo, du siphon, du jokari, du diabolo, et du fil à couper le beurre, à notre prochaine activation. Le "champs de bataille de Rossignol", au Sud de Neufchâteau ! (Sur place, ou sur l'air).
As previously announced, EURAO took advantage of its attendance to Friedrichshafen exhibition to hold the annual Assembly, making the long trip of its members worth his while.
In an intense but friendly international work environment, several new projects were discussed. We hope they will be released soon.
But we did not forget the main reason for being there: