In a few weeks time, EURAO will be again at its booth (A1-563) of the Europe's No. 1 amateur radio exhibition.
June 26-28 is the appointment. This year also celebrating the 10th anniversary of EURAO, with special activities, in addition to the General Assembly on Saturday, technical meetings, project planning, discussions on strategy, etc. We are ready to go. And you?
Organizaţia Europeană a Radioamatorilor, în colaborare cu Amateur Radio Portable Operators Club , anunţă un nou "QSO party" care, de data aceasta poartă deviza: "distrează-te, hai in portabil". Ţineţi minte că acesta activitate nu este un concurs, ci doar o întâlnire a radioamatorilor, ce are câteva 'reguli' simple, pe care le-am putea numi, mai degrabă, recomandări.
The 6th Emergency Communications National Exercise (ENCE in Spanish) is devoted this year to RoIP: EchoLink, FRN, IRLP, D-Star, Fusion, ...
It will be held on Saturday April 18, 16:00-17:00 UTC, and is open to international participation. A good opportunity for technical experimentation and to practice languages.
Organizaţia Europeană a Radioamatorilor anunţă un nou "QSO party", de această dată cu motto-ul: "tăcere vă rog, QRP pe aer". Nu uitaţi că acesta nu este un concurs, ci doar o întâlnire a radioamatorilor ce are câteva 'reguli' simple, pe care le-am putea numi mai degrabă recomandări.
After more than a year of parties on the air, one in each season, EURAO looks back and sees five editions of this kind of activities:
Recently, we found some time to prepare a pretty simple website that shows statistics of past EURAO Parties, mainly because we felt the pressure of received logs (hi hi).
A long path has been traveled and an intense experience lived since F5RCS proposed in mid 2005 the creation of an European association of radio amateurs.
In just ten years, EURAO has achieved: real members in more than 50 countries, in and outside Europe; setting up a global QSL service; recognition by: EU, UN, CEPT and ITU; economic stability; attendance to HAM RADIO exhibitions; performing projects and activities, such as awards, parties, emergency communications exercises or youth meetings; etc.