FT8 Party: a great success!!!

For the last EURAO Party, the one in Autumn 2017, devoted to "FT8, a brand new mode", we have received more logs than ever: 24, including 1614 QSOs in 10 bands, from 12 countries in 3 continents.

The second one was in Autumn 2014 with the motto "be digital, explore 30m", co-organized with the 30 Meter Digital Group, when we received 21 logs with 661 QSOs in 17 modes, from 12 countries in 2 continents.

Certificates of Participation for all participants are ready for download now at the Party website.

First IARU-EURAO formal meeting: a firm step forward

IARU-EURAO meeting 2017 Both organizations met in Barcelona on December 2, 2017, with a complete agenda of the whole day to discuss areas of common interest. Almost all subjects were addressed, although with different intensity.

Special attention was focused on topics that involve CEPT, where both are observers, agreeing some actions for the coming months.

In the picture: YO9RIJ, G3BJ, EI3IO and EA3CIW at the meeting facilities FEDI-EA provided.

EURAO Newsletter December 2017

In this issue you will find:

  • Golden Globe Race 2018 and radio amateurs
  • First IARU-EURAO formal meeting: a firm step forward
  • ARR in GAUDEAMUS 2017: "Pages in the History of the Radio"

EURAO Party - Autumn 2017: FT8, a brand new mode

The European Radio Amateurs' Organization announces a new party on the air, this time with the motto: "FT8, a brand new mode". Remember this is not a contest, it is just a radio meeting with a few simple 'rules', better to call them recommendations.

EURAO Newsletter September 2017

In this issue you will find:

  • Assembly, working groups and meetings at EURAO Boulevard
  • IARU-EURAO preparatory meeting finally took place

Interview with YO9RIJ, new President of EURAO

YO9RIJ Petrica Stolnicu, YO9RIJ, 43, is the brand new President of EURAO, elected at the last General Assembly for the period 2017-2019. YO9RIJ has been previously Vice-president of EURAO since 2015 and founding Vice-president of ARR.

In this recent interview conducted by the journalist Simona Ungureanu, YO9-0158, you can discover more about him, his career as radio amateur, his interests and objectives.

EURAO Party - Summer 2017: DMR meeting on the air

The European Radio Amateurs' Organization announces a new party on the air, this time with the motto: "DMR meeting on the air". Remember this is not a contest, it is just a radio meeting with a few simple 'rules', better to call them recommendations.

IARU-EURAO preparatory meeting finally took place

HAM RADIO 2017 IARU at last found some time to meet EURAO at Friedrichshafen. In the picture: G3BJ, ON4PM, EA3CIW and VE6SH preparing the first summit of both organisations.

After a pretty hot early summer, sanity was back on track, and what EURAO proposed two years ago: collaboration, it seems to start its way: there will be a meeting in December.

Now is the time to work on the agenda and the topics to be discussed. So comments and proposals are welcome. We will try to include them all, time permitting.

Assembly, working groups and meetings at EURAO Boulevard

Being all member associations' booths close to each other in HAM RADIO 2017 exhibition was an excellent opportunity to continuously interact, try to find new common projects to carry on and receive feedback to improve old ones.

EURAO, ARR, CISAR, FEDI-EA, FRC, RNRE, URC and VRA were together in the same row: the EURAO Boulevard. In the picture during the General Assembly.

Post-truth and alternative facts of IARU

The reaction of Don Beattie, G3BJ, president of IARU Region 1, to the recent statement of EURAO is full of mistakes, half truths and missing facts. So the "context" he offers in his post is biased and incomplete. Let's surface the hidden side.

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