La Organización Europea de Radioaficionados anuncia una nueva fiesta en el aire, esta vez con el lema: "sube a la montaña". Recuerda que esto no es un concurso, es sólo un encuentro por radio con unas pocas 'reglas' muy simples, casi mejor llamarlas recomendaciones.
10th anniversary of EURAO and fourth time attending the exhibition in Friedrichshafen.
Lots of hams to greet and exchange views. Members, yes, but also friends. Some of them old friends of each year. Others just met for the first time. True ham spirit in the air. That's our hobby, that's EURAO.
Let's tell you what happened that weekend...
In the last General Assembly (2015-06-27) a new Board of Directors was elected for a period of two years: President ON4PM, Vicepresident YO9RIJ, Secretary-General EA3CIW and Treasurer EA3CWZ.
Good luck in your job, guys.
In a few weeks time, EURAO will be again at its booth (A1-563) of the Europe's No. 1 amateur radio exhibition.
June 26-28 is the appointment. This year also celebrating the 10th anniversary of EURAO, with special activities, in addition to the General Assembly on Saturday, technical meetings, project planning, discussions on strategy, etc. We are ready to go. And you?
La Organización Europea de Radioaficionados, conjuntamente con el Amateur Radio Portable Operators Club , anuncian una nueva fiesta en el aire, esta vez con el lema: "diviértete, sal en portable". Recuerda que esto no es un concurso, es sólo un encuentro por radio con unas pocas 'reglas' muy simples, casi mejor llamarlas recomendaciones.
The 6th Emergency Communications National Exercise (ENCE in Spanish) is devoted this year to RoIP: EchoLink, FRN, IRLP, D-Star, Fusion, ...
It will be held on Saturday April 18, 16:00-17:00 UTC, and is open to international participation. A good opportunity for technical experimentation and to practice languages.