EURAO Party - Summer 2017: DMR meeting on the air

The European Radio Amateurs' Organization announces a new party on the air, this time with the motto: "DMR meeting on the air". Remember this is not a contest, it is just a radio meeting with a few simple 'rules', better to call them recommendations.

IARU-EURAO preparatory meeting finally took place

HAM RADIO 2017 IARU at last found some time to meet EURAO at Friedrichshafen. In the picture: G3BJ, ON4PM, EA3CIW and VE6SH preparing the first summit of both organisations.

After a pretty hot early summer, sanity was back on track, and what EURAO proposed two years ago: collaboration, it seems to start its way: there will be a meeting in December.

Now is the time to work on the agenda and the topics to be discussed. So comments and proposals are welcome. We will try to include them all, time permitting.

Assembly, working groups and meetings at EURAO Boulevard

Being all member associations' booths close to each other in HAM RADIO 2017 exhibition was an excellent opportunity to continuously interact, try to find new common projects to carry on and receive feedback to improve old ones.

EURAO, ARR, CISAR, FEDI-EA, FRC, RNRE, URC and VRA were together in the same row: the EURAO Boulevard. In the picture during the General Assembly.

Post-truth and alternative facts of IARU

The reaction of Don Beattie, G3BJ, president of IARU Region 1, to the recent statement of EURAO is full of mistakes, half truths and missing facts. So the "context" he offers in his post is biased and incomplete. Let's surface the hidden side.

IARU refuses to meet EURAO in Friedrichshafen

Recently, some radio amateurs asked EURAO about the paragraph below included in the minutes of the last IARU Region 1 EC Meeting, held on May 5-7, 2017, in Landshut:

G3BJ gave a verbal report on EURAO and the lack of progress since the 2016 EC Meeting. He had invited EURAO to a meeting some months ago to explore each other’s strategies and seek common ground. Sadly, EURAO had not yet responded.

But that is not the whole history. Of course EURAO responded, but probably not as G3BJ expected.

Liga Española de Asociaciones CB y Radioaficionados

LIGACBR LigaCBR is an Spanish federation founded in 1993 with the aim of supporting and promoting Citizens Band and Amateur Radio clubs and hobby.

LigaCBR is also member of the European CB Federation (ECBF), which in its turn is member of the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI).

EURAO Boulevard at HAM RADIO 2017 in Friedrichshafen

EURAO Boulevard at HAM RADIO 2017 This is the detailed plan of EURAO Boulevard inside the HAM RADIO exhibition, to be held in Germany this year on 14-16 July. As you can see, in addition to EURAO booth (A1-662), there will be around also booths of the following member associations: RNRE (A1-660), CISAR (A1-666), URC (A1-661), ARR (A1-663), FRC (A1-665) and FEDI-EA (A1-667). Other member associations, like VRA, will be inside EURAO booth attending members, friends and visitors, listening opinions and sharing experiences.

EURAO Newsletter June 2017

In this issue you will find:

  • EURAO Boulevard at HAM RADIO 2017 in Friedrichshafen
  • TM10ISS-OR4ISS: contact successfully done
  • AM25FEDIEA for the 25th anniversary of FEDI-EA

EURAO Party - Spring 2017: watching SSTV

The European Radio Amateurs' Organization announces a new party on the air, this time with the motto: "watching SSTV". Remember this is not a contest, it is just a radio meeting with a few simple 'rules', better to call them recommendations.

Associação de Radioamadores da Região de Lisboa

ARRLx ARRLx, CS5LX, was founded in 2014 in order to promote amateur radio among young people, schools and scouts. Even emergency communications are a priority.

ARRLx also has a club section in Beira Baixa region, northern part of Portugal, with its own callsign: CS5GCB.

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