Radio Amateur Insurance certificate: ready to be downloaded

All subscribers of the EURAO Radio Amateur Insurance can now download the personalized Certificate attesting they are included in it.

This Certificate is written in several languages, which makes it suitable for those radio amateurs who plan to travel to other countries and have to show it.

The Certificate is downloaded together with the membership card and welcome letter.

EURAO General Assembly 2020: held online

With a participation, in one way or another, of 80%, the General Assembly 2020 of EURAO was held last Saturday, June 27, via internet.

Of course, it is not the same as face-to-face meetings, but, as long as we have COVID-19 around, virtual meetings are the best solution with the least risk. Our radio-gastronomy section will have to wait a little while... hi hi.

Seguro de Radioamador: um novo serviço global da EURAO

Radio Amateur activities Este mês a EURAO lança um novo serviço global: o Seguro de Radioamador.

Este seguro, com uma cobertura de 9.000.000 EUR, tem por objecto garantir as consequências pecuniárias da responsabilidade civil do segurado pelos danos corporais, materiais e imateriais consequentes causados ​​a terceiros em consequência da sua actividade de radioamadorismo, incluindo viagens. e eventos organizados pelo assinante, incluindo operações de montagem e desmontagem.

Isto significa, traduzido na nossa atividade, um alívio extra quando fazemos rádio fora do nosso QTH, seja na praia, no campo, num parque ou na montanha, como é o caso dos dias de campo (field days) ou SOTA.

National Radio Society of Ireland

NRSI NRSI, EI0NRSI, has been founded in 2020 to provide representation for all amateur radio operators and shortwave listeners within Ireland who want it. Its membership is open to anyone with an interest in amateur radio communications, who is either a full-time resident or who has in the past spent a minimum of two months in Ireland as a visitor.

NRSI became member association of EURAO to share ham spirit with other similar entities around the world.

EURAO Newsletter June 2020

In this issue you will find:

  • Radio Amateur Insurance: a new EURAO global service
  • EURAO General Assembly 2020: virtually on June 27

EURAO Party - Spring 2020: take care of your ham friends

The European Radio Amateurs' Organization announces a new party on the air, this time with the motto: "take care of your ham friends". Remember this is not a contest, it is just (maybe) a radio meeting with a few simple 'rules', better to call them recommendations.

EURAO General Assembly 2020: virtually on June 27

Because COVID-19, the popular Friedrichshafen HAM RADIO exhibition has been canceled. However, EURAO will hold its General Assembly on the scheduled date: Saturday, June 27, 2020, at 17:00 CEST, albeit virtually.

For this reason, the image of this year's Assembly will be more similar to the picture on the left than the usual group of people around a table. Anyway, the agenda is full of interesting topics to deal with and even the admission of several new member associations.

Carta do presidente sobre COVID-19

COVID-19 Caros membros e amigos,

Mais do que nunca, estamos testemunhando uma evolução do radioamadorismo em todo o mundo. COVID-19 é apenas mais um catalisador que nos obriga a pensar mais do que antes, adaptando-nos e pensando em mudar seriamente.

EURAO Newsletter February 2020

In this issue you will find:

  • World Radio Day 2020: Pluralism, Representation and Diversity
  • EURAO on Telegram

EURAO Party - Winter 2020: local QSOs, essential

The European Radio Amateurs' Organization announces a new party on the air, this time with the motto: "local QSOs, essential". Remember this is not a contest, it is just a radio meeting with a few simple 'rules', better to call them recommendations.

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