Be the first EURAO member of your country and...

... get an extra year membership for FREE!

Just click on the map to see if your country is still dark blue (no members yet, only fans).

Then, for only 10 EUR, you can become individual member of EURAO and get all these advantages for two years.

Go ahead!

EURAO in the world...

Also outside Europe EURAO has members.

Click on the map to see if your country is still dark blue (no members yet, only fans) and get an extra year membership for FREE if you are the first in your country.

Help us to "paint" the map and, for only 10 EUR, become individual member of EURAO and get all these advantages for two years.

PLT affaire and EC reply

This summer some news spread media about an important threat to amateur radio activity: PLT.

EURAO, first of all, wanted to know what is the current situation and sent a letter asking about this matter to the European Commission.

And this is the reply...

EURAO, where are you?

To better display where EURAO currently has presence in Europe and worldwide, two dynamic maps are created (click to enlarge).

Countries in blue means there are only fans, in cyan that there are also individual members and in red where member associations exist.

Is your own country not on the map? Would you like to add it? Become member of EURAO. This is what you get it.

EURAO Newsletter: here we go!

The world spins so fast that sometimes can be quite difficult to find some time to read, in retrospect, the news or information of a particular entity or period.

For this reason, EURAO decided to collect, on a quarterly basis, the main headlines generated by itself and its members in a single sheet.

Enjoy it and feel free to spread the word, either in pdf format or as a weblink:


A apresentação oficial da Organização Europeia de Radioamadores em HAM RADIO show deste ano foi um grande sucesso.

Um grande número de visitantes mostraram-se muito interessados no nosso projeto: juntar associações alternativas de radioamadores e pessoas a titulo individual de toda a Europa, e além, sem limites, e dispostos a trabalhar juntos.

Obrigado a todos aqueles que nos dão o seu apoio de alguma forma. Convidamo-lo a conhecer-nos um pouco melhor...

Like EURAO in Facebook

Like EURAO in Facebook

Notice that we are also active in Facebook, a very useful tool to keep you informed.

Just click on the Like button:

Cartão de Membro da EURAO disponível para os seus apoiantes

Agora é mais fácil para se tornar um membro individual da Organização Europeia de Radioamadores a partir de qualquer lugar do mundo.

Por apenas 10 EUR você pode adquirir este cartão e apoiar a organização e seus projetos, entre os quais o EuroBureauQSL.

EURAO Meeting 2011: great success

The first face to face meeting conducted by the European Radio Amateurs' Organization (EURAO) enjoyed an ideal climate for dialogue and received praise from all participants for the wonderful hospitality of Barcelona.

Reunião EURAO 2011 em Barcelona

La Organização Europeia de Radioamadores (EURAO) celebra a sua reunião anual este próxima fim de semana, 28-30 de outubro, em Barcelona (Espanha), a que assistirão representantes de varias associações de diversos países do velho continente. Novos membros serão benvindos.

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