CEPT/ECC-EURAO: formal agreement signed

CEPT/ECC EURAO recently signed a Letter of Under­standing (LoU) with the Electronic Communications Committee (ECC) of the European Con­fe­ren­ce of Postal and Tele­com­munications Ad­mi­nis­tra­tions (CEPT).

Its aim is to cooperate in all Amateur Radio matters.

Most of us know CEPT by its recommendations T/R 61-01 and T/R 61-02. The first one allows radio amateur operation in other countries during short visits, usually up to three months. While the second one establishes the examination syllabus to obtain the Harmonised Amateur Radio Examination Certificate (HAREC), valid to get the license in a lot of different countries.

These seemingly simple recommendations involve considerable effort of coordination between national Administrations, a valuable task carried out by CEPT and its members.

With the signature of this agreement, EURAO wants to recognize the great work done but also to influence the upcoming recommendations and updates of existing ones, whith the objective of wider dissemination.
