EURAO Party - Winter 2019: catching Christmas stations

The European Radio Amateurs' Organization announces a new party on the air, this time with the motto: "catching Christmas stations". Remember this is not a contest, it is just a radio meeting with a few simple 'rules', better to call them recommendations.

Purpose: The tradition of Santa Claus and the spirit of Christmas have reached the waves in recent years. At this season some stations with special suffix go on air, like YP2XMAS. Also others with their regular suffix join the event. Pay attention to their unusual call! And do not miss the opportunity to participate with children.

Date & time: from December 1st to 31st, 2019, 00:00-24:00 UTC.

Bands & modes: all modes and frequencies, mainly in HF bands, but not only. EFG.

Call: "CQ EURAO Party Ho-Ho-Hooo".

Exchange: because this is a QSO event, not a contest, you can talk about whatever you want, in any language, and for as long as you like. Here are some topic suggestions to get the conversation going: name, city, locator, weather, antennas, rigs, etc.

Also talk about QSL interchange. Tell the truth. Say "no, thanks" if you are not interested in QSL cards. But if you would like to have a memory of your contact, feel free to use our EuroBureauQSL (see below).

Logs: for statistic purposes only, we ask participants to submit their logs to in ADIF format, where the filename should be your callsign (e.g. EA3RKF.ADI).

There will be no results or league tables, only statistical information about number of QSOs, countries, callsigns, OMs/YLs/Clubs, etc.

Certificate of Participation: for ALL those sending the log and with a minimum of 10% QSOs confirmed.

EuroBureauQSL: you can use it to interchange QSLs even if you are not member. In this case, just send the QSL to the entry point of the country of the station you have contacted.