A few months ago EURAO launched a free campaign to promote its most flexible membership category: Clubs&Groups, and, in return, get some feedback on how to improve its customization to the clubs' requirements.
For this purpose, a few associations were chosen as volunteers for this pilot test. Anyway, the door remains open to other testers, preferably from new countries.
At WRC-23 it was not all just about work, there was also time for networking and several side events were organized to make it easy to know the other participants and reinforce the relationship among them.
One of these events was a trip to the Dubai desert in occasion of the 52nd National Day of the United Arab Emirates, the host country of the WRC-23. There were several traditional shows: camels, falcons, food, drink, a massive dinner and a spectacular sunset.
There, in a more relaxed atmosphere, it was possible to exchange impressions with locals and colleagues.
In this context, it took place the meeting between the EURAO Secretary-General, EA3CIW, and the ITU Secretary-General, Doreen Bogdan-Martin, KD2JTX, from left to right in the picture.
La délégation de l'EURAO était présente ce mois-ci à la Conférence Mondiale des Radiocommunications 2023 à Dubaï. Une expérience intéressante et une étape de plus pour apprendre comment fonctionne cette organisation et quel devrait être notre rôle en tant que membres de l'UIT-R.
Groupes de travail, commissions, séances plénières, délégations des pays, acronymes, protocoles, couloirs, pauses-café, dispositifs de traduction simultanée, événements parallèles, etc. Tout un monde auquel l’EURAO commence à avoir accès et qu’il doit savoir gérer de manière responsable.
The General Assembly 2023 of EURAO was held the last Wednesday of June via internet, after a previous contact in Friedrichshafen the weekend before.
The incorporation of a couple of new member associations was approved, one Portuguese and the other Romanian, as well as the financial reports and the budget.
Preparation for WRC-23 has started!
EURAO's presence at the German exhibition last June was dedicated to show up projects and activities with the kids that are just discovering amateur radio benefits, and promote its proposal of: "2024, the year of children and young radio amateurs!".
With this idea in mind, EURAO invites radio amateurs around the world to spend more time setting up projects and offering help to children and young radio amateurs to find out more about our hobby.
The European Radio Amateurs' Organization announces a new party on the air, this time with the motto: "CQ Walkie-Talkies". Remember this is not a contest, it is just a radio meeting with a few simple 'rules', better to call them recommendations.