
Liga Española de Asociaciones CB y Radioaficionados

LIGACBR LigaCBR is an Spanish federation founded in 1993 with the aim of supporting and promoting Citizens Band and Amateur Radio clubs and hobby.

LigaCBR is also member of the European CB Federation (ECBF), which in its turn is member of the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI).

Le notizie sulla DX HF: Bollettino irradiata 10 ottobre

Irradiata newsletter indirizzata a tutti di lingua spagnola radioamatori, ha come obiettivo primario le relazioni sulle attività che sono in tutte le bande radioamatoriali, una particolare attenzione ogni settimana sulle spedizioni, IOTA, concorsi internazionali ed eventi speciali.

The news on DX HF: Bulletin radiated Oct. 10

Radiated newsletter addressed to all Spanish-speaking radio amateurs, has as its primary objective reporting on activities that are in all amateur radio bands, a special emphasis each week on the expeditions, IOTA, international competitions and special events.

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