Meeting once a year in Friedrichshafen is a real pleasure and the opportunity to listen others' ideas, share experiences and discuss about common issues. So we did, but instead of waiting in the booth, the president went to the middle of the fair.
Other activities, such as the EURAO's General Assembly and the ID-CCS7 workshop of DR@F for French operators, took place in the booth.
Next year we will see there in June 21-23, 2019.
As a result of data collected for EURAO Parties, a kind of QSO events held once in each season, a database has been created with most popular frequencies, modes and applications.
Now this database is available online, either by computer, mobile or tablet, and you can select easyly the band, the mode and/or the application you would like to consult and get an immediate response.
This is the EURAO Frequency Guide (EFG):
The European Radio Amateurs' Organization announces a new party on the air, this time with the motto: "discover the WARC bands: 12m". Remember this is not a contest, it is just a radio meeting with a few simple 'rules', better to call them recommendations.
RFDX, PI4RF, also known as "Radio Friends of DX", was founded in 2012 as a non profit organisation of CB users and hams, whose motto is "Courtesy and Friendship".
The European Citizen's Band Federation is an experienced organization, founded in 1976, and devoted to coordinate efforts and defend interests of CB users. It is member of ETSI and AER.
EURAO Board and ECBF Council members, in their regular contacts sharing experiences and views, have realized now that formalizing their relationship could be a good idea.
The European Radio Amateurs' Organization announces a new party on the air, this time with the motto: "discover the WARC bands: 17m". Remember this is not a contest, it is just a radio meeting with a few simple 'rules', better to call them recommendations.
For the last EURAO Party, the one in Autumn 2017, devoted to "FT8, a brand new mode", we have received more logs than ever: 24, including 1614 QSOs in 10 bands, from 12 countries in 3 continents.
The second one was in Autumn 2014 with the motto "be digital, explore 30m", co-organized with the 30 Meter Digital Group, when we received 21 logs with 661 QSOs in 17 modes, from 12 countries in 2 continents.
Certificates of Participation for all participants are ready for download now at the Party website.
Both organizations met in Barcelona on December 2, 2017, with a complete agenda of the whole day to discuss areas of common interest. Almost all subjects were addressed, although with different intensity.
Special attention was focused on topics that involve CEPT, where both are observers, agreeing some actions for the coming months.
In the picture: YO9RIJ, G3BJ, EI3IO and EA3CIW at the meeting facilities FEDI-EA provided.