PLT affaire and EC reply

This summer some news spread media about an important threat to amateur radio activity: PLT.

EURAO, first of all, wanted to know what is the current situation and sent a letter asking about this matter to the European Commission.

And this is the reply...

EURAO, where are you?

To better display where EURAO currently has presence in Europe and worldwide, two dynamic maps are created (click to enlarge).

Countries in blue means there are only fans, in cyan that there are also individual members and in red where member associations exist.

Is your own country not on the map? Would you like to add it? Become member of EURAO. This is what you get it.

EURAO Newsletter: here we go!

The world spins so fast that sometimes can be quite difficult to find some time to read, in retrospect, the news or information of a particular entity or period.

For this reason, EURAO decided to collect, on a quarterly basis, the main headlines generated by itself and its members in a single sheet.

Enjoy it and feel free to spread the word, either in pdf format or as a weblink:


Official presentation of European Radio Amateurs' Organization in HAM RADIO show this year was a great success.

A lot of visitors were very interested in our project: grouping alternative radio amateur associations and individuals from all over Europe, and beyond, with no limits, and willing to work together.

Thanks to all those that give us their support in some way. You are invited to know us a little bit better...

Like EURAO in Facebook

Like EURAO in Facebook

Notice that we are also active in Facebook, a very useful tool to keep you informed.

Just click on the Like button:

EURAO membership card available for its supporters

Now it is easier to become an individual member of the European Radio Amateurs' Organization from anywhere in the world.

For only 10 EUR you can get this card and support the organization and its projects, among which is the EuroBureauQSL.

EURAO Meeting 2011: great success

The first face to face meeting conducted by the European Radio Amateurs' Organization (EURAO) enjoyed an ideal climate for dialogue and received praise from all participants for the wonderful hospitality of Barcelona.

EURAO Meeting 2011 in Barcelona

The European Radio Amateurs' Organization (EURAO) holds its annual meeting next weekend, 28-30 October, in Barcelona (Spain), to be attended by representatives of several associations from different countries of the old continent. New members are welcome.

AOxEU: Europatag im Äther, aus Spanien

Zur Erinnerung an den 60. Jahrestag als Robert Schumann am 9. Mai 1950 seinen Vorschlag von dem, was wir heute als Europäische Union kennen, vorgestellt hat werden die Sonderrufzeichen AO1EU, AO2EU, AO3EU, AO4EU, AO5EU, AO6EU, AO7EU, AO8EU und AO9EU vom 1. bis zum 20. Mai 2010 auf allen Bändern und Betriebsarten aktiv sein.

Union Francophone des Radio Clubs (Belgium)

UFRC U.F.R.C. - Union Francophone des Radio Clubs is an association for Radioamateurs in the French-speaking part (Wallonia) in Belgium.

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