CQ ENCE 2015: EmerComms on the Net

The 6th Emergency Communications National Exercise (ENCE in Spanish) is devoted this year to RoIP: EchoLink, FRN, IRLP, D-Star, Fusion, ...

It will be held on Saturday April 18, 16:00-17:00 UTC, and is open to international participation. A good opportunity for technical experimentation and to practice languages.

Aware that, if a disaster occurs, internet can be one of the first resources to fail in the affected area, but, outside there, it is a very powerful tool to consider; in this edition we will emphasize the use and dissemination of technologies that allow attaching radio and internet, without sacrificing classic modes of communication.

The exercise purpose is to bring an opportunity to all those radio amateurs interested in practicing operational skills.

One way to participate is by connecting that day to the EchoLink conference *EANET*, listening and writing down received messages.

To make things easier a template is created in order to collect data of messages and a howto in English is provided:


Reports can be sent to: ence@fediea.org.

CQ ENCE is organized by Federación Digital EA and Liga Española de Asociaciones CB y Radioaficionados.

More info (in Spanish) at: https://www.fediea.org/emergencias/